Thursday, May 05, 2005

To Change

Last night I packed.
Today I packed.
I packed away things I hadn't seen in years, and yet still treasure so immensely. Notes, letters, drawings, scribbles of all sorts; I found so much.

First, I found things from high school. I laughed, reminiscing events from those days that really aren't that far behind me. I've only been out of high school two years. Nonetheless, I love looking at how quickly my art progressed in that time. I drew all over everything. :p

Looking further in my mass of junk, I found treasures from elementary school. I found class pictures, comic book plans, crappy drawings of all sorts, letters from camp. Ah, such rough times.

I then found the jackpot: items from my middle school days. I don't really even remember middle school. I remember hating it a whole lot, but I don't remember what happened. The stuff I found from middle school is so great, though. My drawings, my writing, my outlook on life all changed so drastically, and I could see all this unfold from the notes I wrote and the drawings I did. My best friend, Emily, had moved away. She was the BEST artist in the world. I wanted to be just like her. I remember following everything she did so loyally in grade school...and when she was gone in middle school, I remember feeling so lost. I still had my other best friend, Peter, but he was a boy, and what do boys know about everything I needed to talk about? I made other friends: Esther, Julie, Mary. I found, though, that I wasn't following them. I was more leading the group. I remember this because it continued through high school, but I could see it in the pictures we took, in the notes I wrote.

I felt overwhelmingly nostalgic looking at all these things, but what I felt even more was that this move will be good for me. It's time to move away. It's time for yet another change.
Here's to change.

And I still hate iTunes.


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