Monday, May 09, 2005

Stop whining.

I can't seem to keep a coherent thought stream when I attempt to write in this thing. I think I've got brilliant things to say about whatever I'm thinking about, and I think myself in circles. This is why I just usually shut up while I'm behind.

I'm so old and boring. Seriously. I blasted Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle", and turned off the radio when some recent song from Kelly Clarkson came on. I'm just not like people my age. They tend to make me real mad. There was a girl in my Women's Studies class who was as typically 20 as she could possibly be. Piercings everywhere from her high school days, and a "imma rebull" (read: I'm a rebel) attitude. Ugh. She has to CONSTANTLY remind everyone how "unique" she is, and how she's not like other people. Funny. I saw about thirty some-odd people just like you walk down the hall thirty minutes ago. Nice try, Leah. stupid.

S'far as that Kelly Clarkson thing goes, I just don't like today's music. It's so insipid...much like Leah, it seems like everyone's claiming to be "unique", when really, they're all copies of one another. I hate pop. Hate it.
I used to really like it, I think. But these pop idol wars started between girls that REALLY DO LOOK THE SAME. (read: fuck you britney spears, christina aguilera, jessica simpson, etc) Not one of them has an iota of talent, don't kid yourself. They sound like every other girl I pass that sings to herself, and used to be in chorus. The only difference is that these girls were thrust in front of cameras and saw an opportunity to shake their little bottoms and giggle and flirt. Put out=money, I guess. And Jessica Simpson, you're not fooling anyone. You're an idiot. I'm babbling now. I just get so irate when people tell me to ignore things like this. I would, but they're fucking EVERYWHERE! On my tv, radio, magazines, internet...I can't fucking escape it. I can't wait for the next wave of popularity. I hope it's fat and kind, not thin and utterly obnoxious.
I mean...
No, that's what I mean.


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