Saturday, May 28, 2005

Jem Goes Gold

I don't get it.
I love Jem. Yet, it seems like Jem, as a commercial product stands for many things I stand against. Why, then, does this now ancient cartoon continue to pique my interest and inspire me anew?
Jem is a skinny, spoiled, entitled girl. Her group of friends are the Asian chick, the black chick, the Hispanic chick, and the redhead...seemingly chosen as an opportunity to attract certain female audiences. The whole show was made to sell the dolls.
And still I love it! Damnit. The music is catchy, if not utterly brilliant. The animation is fun and the characters are campy and oddly identifiable. I love that there's still such a huge fanbase for this show...but I almost hope no one brings it back commercially. I tend to like things that no one else likes mostly because no one else does. Might ruin it for me.

Now before this falls out of my train of thought, doing this sex comic for Mea is taking a toll on me.

I'm totally horny.

No, seriously. I can't draw a panel without thinking, " long would it take me to look at porn and cum?" Agh! That's supposed to be what I'm trying to change. *stabs self with fork* Maybe I can change the world...forget myself. I hope other people find all this as stimulating. It's not that I want to deter anyone from masturbation, I just want to be able to get something done without distracting myself with masturbation. I can't wait till I can start passing around the site address...I'm going to feel so proud.
And exhausted. Holy Christ, I love orgasms.

On a final note, favorite Jem songs:
Who is He Kissing
Jem Goes Gold
Glitter n' Gold Theme
Jem Girl Theme
Depends on the Mood I'm In
Twilight in Paris
We Can Change It
Time is Runnin' Out
Last Laugh
Truly Outrageous
Back in Shape [oh my god, I don't really like an aerobic song, do I? damn you Jem]
Gettin' Down to Business

And there are so many more I haven't heard...
back to the sketchbook...orgasm count: 2

Monday, May 23, 2005

Paper Mario burns my eyes --- in a cute way

So the new job search isn't going quite as well as planned.
Here's to hoping, though.

I managed to limp out of UMA, apparently, without failing too miserably. I still hate college. I shouldn't have to feel THAT dumb. Lord.

In good news, I'm planning a housewarming party June 18th. I'm looking so forward to it. I haven't had a party in too long. I've almost forgotten how fun they can be.

I volunteered to help with a friend's project...a new site. He wants me to do some artwork and such. I've got some stuff nearly completed, more than I told him I'd do, and I'm glad...I just worry that it's not up to par. Though, in the same breath that I say I worry, I also say I'm going to give myself a little leeway here. I am a starting artist. It's the message that's important, not the art. Most people tend to like my art, if just for the concept anyway. Give it time, I say.

Bleeding sucks. Especially for a year and...oh look, a half.
My studio is looking great.
Till next time...leave me comments.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Don't touch that.

Last day of work at the BGS.

I think I'll miss it.

I won't miss the pissant people, but I'll miss the pissy little dramas that are so funny to look back on now. I like when I realize I have the ability to step back and look at myself objectively. I've come a long way from my high school days, I think.

This link is to my final project in CIS 131. Apparently, the account won't last long, so I'll rehost it somewhere else. I created a ficticious company for the project, as if I were going to approach doing an art commission site. If I really were, I would do it much differently. All in all, I'm pretty proud of all the art and smart html styling I did. I did all the art and coding on that site. Go me.

Many more projects to come. I'm quite excited.

I wrote a reply to someone's webjournal posting today. I haven't talked to her more than a few sentences since the 8th grade. The whole thing was quite stalker-ish of me, but that's the beauty of the internet. Anonymity is the name of the game. I don't know if she'll figure out it was me or follow the link or what. I've been considering the whole situation for a while now. I feel increasingly remorseful of how I treated her, though, I believe things happen for a reason. I think there's a reason the remorse didn't hit me till now. Time will only tell what may come of this. Maybe I'll apologize, or maybe I won't need to.

Moving sucks.
Here's to change.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Stop whining.

I can't seem to keep a coherent thought stream when I attempt to write in this thing. I think I've got brilliant things to say about whatever I'm thinking about, and I think myself in circles. This is why I just usually shut up while I'm behind.

I'm so old and boring. Seriously. I blasted Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle", and turned off the radio when some recent song from Kelly Clarkson came on. I'm just not like people my age. They tend to make me real mad. There was a girl in my Women's Studies class who was as typically 20 as she could possibly be. Piercings everywhere from her high school days, and a "imma rebull" (read: I'm a rebel) attitude. Ugh. She has to CONSTANTLY remind everyone how "unique" she is, and how she's not like other people. Funny. I saw about thirty some-odd people just like you walk down the hall thirty minutes ago. Nice try, Leah. stupid.

S'far as that Kelly Clarkson thing goes, I just don't like today's music. It's so insipid...much like Leah, it seems like everyone's claiming to be "unique", when really, they're all copies of one another. I hate pop. Hate it.
I used to really like it, I think. But these pop idol wars started between girls that REALLY DO LOOK THE SAME. (read: fuck you britney spears, christina aguilera, jessica simpson, etc) Not one of them has an iota of talent, don't kid yourself. They sound like every other girl I pass that sings to herself, and used to be in chorus. The only difference is that these girls were thrust in front of cameras and saw an opportunity to shake their little bottoms and giggle and flirt. Put out=money, I guess. And Jessica Simpson, you're not fooling anyone. You're an idiot. I'm babbling now. I just get so irate when people tell me to ignore things like this. I would, but they're fucking EVERYWHERE! On my tv, radio, magazines, internet...I can't fucking escape it. I can't wait for the next wave of popularity. I hope it's fat and kind, not thin and utterly obnoxious.
I mean...
No, that's what I mean.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

To Change

Last night I packed.
Today I packed.
I packed away things I hadn't seen in years, and yet still treasure so immensely. Notes, letters, drawings, scribbles of all sorts; I found so much.

First, I found things from high school. I laughed, reminiscing events from those days that really aren't that far behind me. I've only been out of high school two years. Nonetheless, I love looking at how quickly my art progressed in that time. I drew all over everything. :p

Looking further in my mass of junk, I found treasures from elementary school. I found class pictures, comic book plans, crappy drawings of all sorts, letters from camp. Ah, such rough times.

I then found the jackpot: items from my middle school days. I don't really even remember middle school. I remember hating it a whole lot, but I don't remember what happened. The stuff I found from middle school is so great, though. My drawings, my writing, my outlook on life all changed so drastically, and I could see all this unfold from the notes I wrote and the drawings I did. My best friend, Emily, had moved away. She was the BEST artist in the world. I wanted to be just like her. I remember following everything she did so loyally in grade school...and when she was gone in middle school, I remember feeling so lost. I still had my other best friend, Peter, but he was a boy, and what do boys know about everything I needed to talk about? I made other friends: Esther, Julie, Mary. I found, though, that I wasn't following them. I was more leading the group. I remember this because it continued through high school, but I could see it in the pictures we took, in the notes I wrote.

I felt overwhelmingly nostalgic looking at all these things, but what I felt even more was that this move will be good for me. It's time to move away. It's time for yet another change.
Here's to change.

And I still hate iTunes.