Monday, June 27, 2005

Days without a post.

In knowing that no one reads this, I feel pretty comfortable not posting anything, just letting this blog rot in amongst the millions of blogs out there. Then I see my friends' blogs and all their stupid little posts, and I instinctively want to one-up them because it's no effort for me.

I'm a bitch not too deep down.

I've been reading this really fantastic blog lately, by a woman named Gin Marie. She's this brilliant militant feminist who just speaks her mind, makes a lot of sense, and doesn't put up with any shit. After that Women Studies course I took, it's really great to hear these arguments all around me for women's rights. So many women in the class didn't speak up, and they should have. I guess they were just worried about their answers not sounding feminist enough. (As if that should be a problem for them! Open up your mind a little bit and learn about these things you're throwing away to tradition.) I've actually been reading quite a few blogs lately, which is really odd, considering I never thought I would read blogs in this manner.
There's Esther, a girl I went to school with. She's quite the poser and I think she fears greatly that anyone find out she's faking it. Honey, we know. You can cut the shit now.
There's Will, a guy I met online. He's really infuriating sometimes. I hate his machismo attitude. He seems to think it's a really great quality, being all "manly" and such, when really, he just comes off as a braggart and a chauvenist(?){As if I forgot how to spell that and am too lazy to check! but i am.}pig who's totally full of himself. I really like him in person. We went to the movies once, and he came to see me in a play, and he was really genuinely nice and carried on a great conversation. But the way he conducts himself online, he makes it sound as though women serve only as potential sexual encounters to him, like unless he could fuck you, you're not really all worth the time. I wish he'd grow out of this. He's a really nice guy, especially without all the machismo. (I wish I knew a better way to say that)
There's James, another of my internet buddies. He hasn't posted in a long while...I wonder if he's okay. I miss him. He's been a really good friend for a long while, and I hope he knows I've always appreciated his kindness and willingness to listen. Last I knew, he'd found a girlfriend and was seeming pretty happy. Good for him! I just hope he comes back to writing his blog...
Everybody seems to have a Livejournal. I'm the only loser around using Blogger. It serves my purposes, though. Maybe not the only loser.
There is John Goldfine, my English 101 teacher at Eastern Maine Community College. I don't really agree with his philosophies all the time. I think I just read his blog because I enjoy that ability to basically stalk people I know. I like to get inside peoples' heads without them knowing I'm there. Like I said, a bitch not so deep down. Crazy.
I read the blog of Patton Oswalt, one of today's funniest comedians. I wrote an email to him once, and he wrote back personally. I thought that was fucking awesome. I think he is fucking awesome. I wish he'd come to my house and I could feed him cookies and fried food and hear him rant about geeky things. That'd get me all wet. Seriously, it would. I LOVE geeks, especially comic geeks. *swoon*
Finally, I pretty much read/stalk Stacy Pease, a girl I went to school with and didn't talk to for years. Will told me he was considering dating her, he'd met her online. I was taken aback. I couldn't believe she had an online life, or any at all. As I read her back posts, I began to feel for her a little bit. I recently saw her at my sister's graduation, and realized she hadn't actually changed any. Yikes, man. She thought I was avoiding her, but I really wasn't. I wanted to know if she'd changed. I don't think I'm better than her, I just think she's embarrassing sometimes. She really needs to grow up a bit. I'd like to think I could help her there. What I feel is so ungodly tragic is her self-image. I'd really like to show her that she's not as worthless as she lets herself believe she is. We, as women, don't need men to complete our lives, and it's perfectly okay. Is that such a hard conclusion to come to?

So, I'm a blog reader now. Weird. I always thought it was a little too, "Lookit me!" A lot of these blogs are just friends or people I know, but I find that some of these blogs I read bring up great discussions and the replies offer tremendously entertaining arguments. It gets me really fired up. The days of private journals as a trend are past. Now, everyone wants to be a sort of online Anne Frank and have their journals discovered (albeit without the horror, tragedy and death), and told their daily thoughts are deeply profound. I'm guilty of it too, I know I am, but I'm slowly facing the reality that nobody reads anything I put out there, and it's perfectly okay to be unseen among the internet masses. For every "Star Wars Kid" or "Sluggy Freelance", there's 10 million unseen gems. (And 9 billion posers wishing someone would say, "ur teh kewl!")

So Dave and I threw a huge housewarming party last weekend. 46 people came, out of the 50-60 we invited. A VERY nice turnout. We got a few nice gifts, a few questionable ones, and some money. I was glad to have a party again. Been so long, since I had one! All of my core friends showed up, especially since they saw "BYOB" on the invites. Absentees were Aurora and Dana, but their loss. It was a nice time to catch up with everyone. The Bogs and Mea even showed up! It meant so much to me for them to be there.
The party was a wild one. Just about everybody was drinking something. Crystal got pretty smashed and had to be carried in and set on the bed. Shane was adorable, if a bit standoffish. Julie was boisterous and fun. Alissa was...well, I didn't really talk with her a lot. Brandy and Ken were a lot of fun. Ken lamented his relationship troubles, and we all sneaked out to the mailbox to smoke so Alissa wouldn't see. It was great, just being out there with them. I wish we could more often. Esther hasn't changed any. She was the biggest bitch of the night. Congrats, Esther. That's quite a title to earn.

Come Together is coming together, slowly but surely. My comics are up, as well as a column I wrote in conjuction with the first comic. I really hope to get five comics done this next month, to be four months ahead, so I can plug at getting a job and writing more on Peter. Apparently, my comics are being well-received, but I see no indication of this. C'est la vie. I can't expect immediate results all the time, can I? Visit the site! Tell your friends!

Yeah right, nobody reads this fucking thing.

Ah, glorious summer. Hot, I love you.
Till next time.


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