Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tater tots

I think I have a tapeworm. All this week, I've been starving for no reason at all. Tonight's no different. So, I grabbed the last of the tater tots from tonight's breakfast for dinner and have consumed those in hopes of pleasing the belly gods. (I don't know why...what have the belly gods done for me lately? Made me fat, that's what. :p) Actions beyond the tots are yet unknown. Perhaps a brownie, or perhaps a cookbook perusal. I really love looking through my cookbooks, but I always want to make the most extravagant things in there. *rolls eyes* I'm not that damn talented. And half the time, we don't have the ingredients. Dave cracks me up, though. He's always trying to substitute things when we're out of stuff.

"Well how about this can of milk instead?"
"No, Dave. That's sweetened condensed milk."
"So it's different. It tastes different."
"So? It says friggin' milk right here."

I especially love when he just goes ahead and uses the substitute. A couple of times, it's been a passing meal, and a couple of times it's been...thrown away. I just want to go, "GO TO THE STORE AND GET WHATEVER IT IS YOU NEED, YOU LAZY BRAT", but I don't. I love him and will let him do his thing. He's survived this long without me, I don't need to go changing him just because there's another way to do it that I think is better. His opinion counts too, you know.

I took a step back mentally from my troll/argument situation while I was offline. I think I may be coming off as the same kind of whiner that Rob is, where I'm upset that I keep getting into these arguments that I create for myself and think that people are just picking on me. It's not as much like that as I made it sound. The argument about feminism with Darryl today was sparked by my mention of Ginmar's livejournal as a feminist community that I read and enjoy. The argument with Rob was one he started. I messaged him saying "Happy Canada Day" or something, and he wrote me back and talked to me. But when things on his screen started flashing and his precious favorite program (Trillian, blech) started acting up as it always does, he turned on me and blamed me for causing him undue stress by "demanding" that he talk to me. As if. I had said, "You're taking a trip this summer, right? Where to?...Oh, Dragon Con, that sounds interesting. I've never been to a con before." Tell me where that's so demanding that he simply HAD to freak out at me.
I don't know why I'm even defending my position. No one reads this, I must remember, and so long as I don't show anyone, that will continue to be the truth. I don't need to prove myself to anyone on here, even if they show up and claim that I'm out of line or I'm wrong in saying something or I'm a bad person for believing in whatever. No more. No more backtracking and saying, "Oh, that was bad of me. I'm sorry nonexistant blog-reading public of mine. I should be more careful of what I say so as not to hurt anyone else's feelings." Fuck that. Enough of that. I do that enough in real life that I'm allowed an outlet to bitch about things that piss me off without having to defend my right to my anger, to my feelings, to my existence with anyone. If it comes into question by anyone...I'll ban them from making replies. My blog, my rules, bitch! BWAHHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAAAHAAA!

I'm going to go read some stories I've been sent and haven't gotten around to reading yet. I've been so enthralled by message boards and blogs that I forget I have material to read that I don't even have to wait for someone to post. I'm feeling a bit inspired by having my comic done for this month and am considering starting a new story, written with illustrations, for my best friend. I won't finish it, I know, but I'll be damn proud of every bit I write and will pass it around like a jackass. Hopeless.


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