Friday, July 21, 2006

A heartbreak's worth a thousand slaps.

It always seems to a be a while before I get the nerve or obligation up to say anything. I keep thinking I don't have an audience and it won't matter, but everytime I check for comments, and I see the date not changing and getting farther and farther from the current date, I know something should go up.

I don't guarantee the "goodness" of this post. I outlined the stuff I want to touch on, just in case I get lost in my own self-pity again, so it may seem a little more rigid and to the point.

First up, I left T-Mobile.
Gasp, shock, oh my god. I'm a terrible person and a horrible failure and what the fuck are you going to do about it? (ooh, look at me, pretending to have a backbone.) See, here's the thing: I hated the job. I hated the namby pamby brainwashing; the taking the blame for the company's or other people's fuckups; being yelled at by complete strangers and told I'm stupid and inadequate and inept and unfit for the position;

(I'll go on in a moment, but let me just interrupt this sentence to touch on that subject. Who the fuck are you, T-mobile customers, to tell anybody on the other end of that phone call to customer service that they are stupid? Fuck you! You know what, America said it best in the song "Riverside": "I said the world don't owe me no, no the world don't owe me no living." The world don't owe you no livin', and by god, neither do those poor people you're berating on the fucking telephone. Even if it hadn't been me getting that abuse, it's fucking ridiculous...sure they're supposed to be customer service, but when they tell you they can only do this much for you, WHY THE FUCK do you insist that they do ten times more just because you fucking say so? You know what? You're fucking dumb. I hate you, T-Mobile customers. May your phones rot your brains till they fall out of your gaping, unwarranted vitriol-spewing, verbal diarrhea belching, skewed idea pushing, asshole mouths. FUCK YOU. I would tell you to think of how it makes the other person feel, but gosh, that whole thinking thing is obviously so hard for you.)

I hated the cellphones; I hated the hours; I hated the rules; I hated my bosses and trainers; I hated what I was becoming. An empty, empty person. It's so fucking stupid to have freaked out that badly over the whole experience, but I felt like, "God, I'll NEVER get out of here. I'm so tired, I'll never get anything done and I'll just be stuck here forever."

I was getting sick every morning, too. I would dry heave and get dizzy and cry and just fucking break down before work. Then I started to get actually puke. I have never been so stressed. I knew I just had to get out somehow...I couldn't wait on finding another job. I called Burkettville up while I was at work on the 18th and begged for my job back. Missy took me back with open arms, and I was more than grateful.

Dave wasn't happy with me. In fact, he was pissed. For about three days, he hardly talked to me. "What part of we can't pay our bills means leaving a ten dollar an hour job for a seven dollar an hour job to you?" he asked. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I was selfish and thoughtless, but it was done, and I didn't regret it that much. I just...I feel so useless. I know I let him down. I know I did some very bad, very selfish things. What was I supposed to do? I'm twenty-fucking-one...I've got to make some bad decisions sometime. I know where he's coming from...I know it's hard, and I know he resents the fact that I took that opportunity, when it wasn't available to him, but...I don't know. This has all been so hard and I just feel like I have no soft place to fall. I called my mom one more before going into work and I broke down to her, just like I did to everyone else during that time...and she just listened and understood and loved me, and it meant so much. Now I just feel like the world's biggest fuckup. What the fuck's the point? I'm getting all teary and depressed now. He's just going to have to deal with me, that's all. At least the store took me back. A little money is better than none. I'm looking for a closer job, but I'm skeptical of everything right now. I don't want to jump into something that's like or worse than T-Mobile.

We've had some crazy-ass weather lately, or at least the midcoast has. At work on Tuesday, there was a hurricane or tornado or some rained like hell, and the wind knocked over trees everywhere. The local sap yard lost 20, count em, 20 maples. Crazy. We stood at the door at work and just watched a huge tree sway in the wind till it fell over and took a power line with it. It was a huge mess just getting home. The road wasn't was green and brown...completely green and brown...from all the leaves and twigs. 28,000 subscribers lost power from Rockland to Augusta...the store was running on 4 generators. Luckily, we got the power back the next day at 4. The projected date had been rumored as Friday...good lord. It was hectic. The rain and the heat are intense lately.

I don't think I'll be going back to either family reunion too soon. We have the Grinnell and the Upham reunions each year...and both are losing ground in the fun arena fast. The Grinnell reunion was an alright affair, up until the annual auction. There was just too much stuff...I brought too much with me. No one would buy anything. The kicker, though, were the comments made on the garments I had in a box of clothes. "A t-shirt," cried the auctioneer in full dramatic swing, "...a HUGE t-shirt! Look, you could share it with your sister!" I was walking up the hill to put my things in my car when I caught that. I decided to ignore it. I was leaving anyway. But when I came back to say my goodbyes, the entire family had decided that the remaining items were up for grabs, as nobody really seemed to want to pay for them. This included the remainder of my box of clothes. A couple of aunts held up old pajamas and jeans that I still thought were adorable, but I couldn't fit in if I tried. They giggled and guffawed as they splayed them out by the arms and legs. "Why, you could fit all of your kids in this!" they laughed. An otherwise nice time had been essentially ruined. My own family is so thoughtless. The worst part is that these are clothes I wish I could still fit in. They better count their blessings they'll never know the horrors of 200+ pounds.

The Uphams have lost touch, I think. Well, it's not so much the Uphams in charge now, as it is the Ripleys and the Brooks. They ought to just have their own reunion, I think. Leave me out of it. First, they changed the date from the third Sunday of July, as it was traditionally, to the second sunday. This pissed me off because I'd already made plans so far ahead. I was able to just squeeze by to get the time off. When we got there, the lunch was already in full swing, and it was only noon. There wasn't much food at all...a real disappointment for the fat side of the family. The raffles and door prizes were held much too late, and there was far too much self-congratulation on the parts of the officers. Yes, Ripleys and Brooks...we know you're very, very proud of yourselves, now get over yourselves and let others have a good time, please. We didn't even stick around for the auction. It was a poor affair that I wish I hadn't wasted a day on. Oh...and I must note before closing...this shit runs in my gene pool. Please don't breed with me. They had decided on a theme this year and were just so very fucking pleased with themselves, it was just SUCH a good idea (red white and blue. god, what an imagination stretch), that they figured they ought to do it again next year, but with a different theme. "What about Hawaiian?" someone piped up. "Oh, that would be a cute idea," was the general consensus. "We could wear hawaiian shirts and shorts...oh! And we could give out flower leis." To which Dave snickered. "Shut up," I warned. "Come to the family reunion," he quipped with a grin, "and get 'lei'd'." Goddamnit. I'm glad I got the smart genes.

The comic plods my own pace, certainly not Jon's. He knows what the fuck he's doing, and I feel like I'm in the dust...holding him back. He's so patient about it all, I really appreciate it...but I feel so...unready for the real responsibility of it. How am I going to get to a point where I do this on my own? I feel like maybe I should take some more art classes...but...let's not waste money. I'm trying to be patient and just continue at my own pace....maybe this is what he was planning from the's all just part of the scheme. I don't know. He does some fantastic composition work, though.

My name is Erin and I'm addicted to comic books. It's becoming a problem. They're too..."cheap", and I think it won't matter much if I just get a couple. I've been so worried about how to pay for my car insurance, and I just dropped 57 dollars in new comic books this week. I have a least it really does make me happy.

My mom says I look like I lost weight....she needs to eat something and get her senses back. I fucking wish.

Ta ya'll...I'm writing this with my eyes closed right now. It's bedtime.


Blogger MTM said...

Yah you finally wrote something!!!Family can be such jerks, I should know, I haven't spoken to my sister in weeks. Anyways, YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT writer, you should write a book.. Still no job & totally clueless over here..The school in ME didn't work out & nobody's called me back for a job. You shouldn't be stressed about quitting a job that you hated, you need to tell your signifigant other that you hated it & it was hurting you soul to stay working at such a stupid place (although I have T-mobile & I have been a bitch to them when I have called caz my phone didn't work) So I am so sorry to all the people I was mean too... Karma is certainly hitting me in the ass now..
Luv you E

10:01 AM  

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