Saturday, April 29, 2006

Tell me what you really think of me.

I don't want to cry, but I don't want to walk on eggshells just wondering if you're mad at me.

I got the job at T-Mobile. I'm looking forward to the benefits and the better pay and the not playing in grease all day long...but I'm not exactly looking forward to the whole experience altogether. I'm nervous, in a childish, selfish sort of way. For the love of God, even if it turns out to be a terrible job, I can't give it up! Dave needs me, and he needs my financial help. Working at the store doesn't allow me the opportunity to help him financially, and it doesn't bring me home everyday. I've got to grow up, stop letting my insecurities about the future hold me back.

I need to curb my online shopping. It could get out of control really quick...God, I'm bad. But I lovvves the books.

I was going to write more, but I'm tired, and the words won't come. More when they do.


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