Saturday, April 08, 2006

Keeping you up-to-date

So, it's been a little bit.
I always want to write something, but I can never just do it. The words make more sense in my head.

Ordered a bunch of books from, and have discovered the joys of shopping at Marden's. There's nothing like reading a manga that you wouldn't have otherwise picked up because it was only 99 cents. At least my comic fix will become cheaper. I don't know how my bookshelves feel about this addiction, though. I wish there was a way I could safely share these treasures with others, but I've had too many bad experiences with losing movies and books to loan them out freely anymore. Buy your own damn copy. :p

I've gotten in contact with Dee again, but really only briefly. I'm still trying for that job at T-Mobile. I think my chances are better this time, but in a way, I almost don't care. I don't want any job to take over my life and make me forget what I really love, and that's to use my talents. We'll see how it goes. If I don't get it, I've still got the job at Burkettville after all.

I watched my parents' animals this week. I'm so sick of being here. I'm fucking ready to go home RIGHT NOW. Two more days. ugh.

I need a nap. I go back to work in an hour and a half.


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