Thursday, December 01, 2005

Feeling so much unlike...

What the fuck is it with this week?
First I get sick...I guess it was allergies. I'm overdue for my annual bout, but came out of the blue and hit me so hard. I had to leave work early on Sunday and work through the sickness Monday. *rolls eyes* Miserable.
I've been depressed all week without being able to pinpoint a rhyme or reason to it. I keep thinking of things I ought to do...sigh...shrug my shoulders...and do nothing but mope.
And Dave's been King Asshole today. Maybe he's just tired. He better get over that tomorrow, 'cause this shit ain't cute, and it's making me feel bad.

I just feel like shit.

I feel like the laziest, stupidest, most worthless person alive right now. (All commenters, please refrain from the obvious "But you're not...we love you" comments. I know this. These are feelings. Can't control them. Logic reasons that these feelings are without reason, I'm just emoting.)

I finally got the meeting with Jon tentatively scheduled...but I'm feeling utterly embarrassed, indeed, ashamed of my lack of knowledge concerning the comic creation process. Shouldn't I know more about this shit...considering I'm trying to do this for a living? ARgh.
I'm wondering what kind of a workload I should really expect of myself....I mean...can I have an inker? Or am I doing this whole damn thing on my own? It's all a question of time, now, I think. Years ago, if I had considered the options in the creation much I'd have to do solo...greater amounts of work would probably have caused me to shy away completely, whereas now, it just means I budget my time further and expect a longer schedule. I don't want to give up on this...I think it could be really fun and worthwhile for's certainly something I've dreamed of...and I really like to think I could change the world...who knows.

Well, right now, my big black baby has decided my arms are his cuddle spot, so I'm cutting this sucker short.
Watch Akazukin Chacha. Too funny.


Blogger MTM said...

Hi Erin, WOW you seem so depressed...
I love you & miss you.. I hope your well. Maryann

5:42 PM  

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