Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So, that last post was stupid, wasn't it? hahahaa...Lord, I'm dumb. I can't be arsed to just delete it either.

The weather's getting tremendously colder. I'm almost sort of relieved, but I know I'll be sick of it all too soon. The wood in the stove feels good for now, though, and it's nice to snuggle up to Dave under the covers. I wonder how this winter will be, considering how the summer has gone. On one hand, I hope for lots of snow, so there will be snomobilers and such at the store, but on the other hand, I hope it's an "off" sort of winter, not so cold, with not so much snow. I worry about how everyone will pay to heat their homes. We have the little wood stove, but there's still the oil tank we have to fill...there are relatives of mine who rely solely on the oil heat, and won't be able to afford to heat their homes all winter long. I wish Bush and his oil buddies knew who they were affecting and how.

Speaking of cold, I did the photo shoot with Mea. It went alright, but I was freezing! Good lord, it was cold that night. I'm pretty pleased by how everything turned out. It wasn't an awkward situation at all, despite all the potentially awkward factors: Mea and I having gone to high school together, Kal-el's film crew being there spur of the moment, working in a room with glass doors. Ha. It was fun, though. I wore pink, pink, pink. I had my lovely pink pearls, pink panties, pink nails, and pink ribbon...and that was about it. Mea was really great to work for, very enthusiastic about everything. I would have liked to have been even more "model-y", but I wanted to be even a bit modest and not so showy. I'm waiting to find Mea online so I can see about getting the pictures (which apparently I get to use for myself as well). The narcissist in me is utterly ecstatic that I got to be a model. The rest of me is hoping I don't look too obese. I might...but even then I'm still going to love myself. I'm so fabulous. :p I'd love for my pictures to bring some traffic to the site, but I really hope it's not negative traffic. I might post a picture or two...of course, for myself. There are a couple of safe shots.

More later. I'm bored again.


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7:58 PM  

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