Sunday, July 17, 2005

Yeah? Well, maybe I'll write a book, and you won't be in it.

Today's title is another snarky remark by yours truly, used as a modifier to my MSN screen name. I haven't said it to anyone in particular, but I know a few who could use the dig.

I asked Will a question that brought a lot of light to his story. I asked if it was supposed to be a children's story, and apparently, it's supposed to be for 5th-8th graders. That makes the cringe-worthy dialogue only slightly less cringe-worthy. I remember those 5th-8th grade level books (Or the ones that were supposed to be). I was already past that reading level when I got there. The dialogue in those was as hokey as Will's story. This makes his story seem a little unfortunate, though, considering his aspirations of beating out Harry Potter for the number one spot. If he wants to do that, he'll have to aim a LOT higher than the standard, which is what he's barely hitting with this bore. I think he needs to take a whole other approach. Rightfully scrap this story and start anew, with fresh, new ideas. Turn off your tv and put down those books. Time to stop borrowing and modifying ideas from the past. That's why I stopped writing the crap I was. It was nothing more than what had already been done, and I wasn't doing it very well.

I did some writing on Peter today that I think went pretty well. I always feel accomplished when I'm able to articulate things that I've previously been tongue-tied about. I really, really want to have a meeting with Jon soon. I'd love to get this ball rolling, though I have a suspicion it would mean sacrificing ComeTogether for a while. That's kind of the way I work. Take on a lot of burden at once and then sacrifice something for another thing. I had to sacrifice work on Peter for Come Together, so I figure the flip side won't be too devastating. I hope though, that if I get this job I'm waiting so patiently and desperately on, I won't have to sacrifice everything to it.

A picture I drew of tranny. I tried to make him ugly, but he's really beautiful somehow.
My friend Jonathan is a continuing source of emotional and artistic inspiration for me. I hope he can become a woman, like he wants. It seems he finally knows what he wants and he deserves it.

I went to another family reunion today. It was a pretty good time, if too muggy to stay out of the water. I really ought to carry my swimsuit with me wherever I go. I've only been swimming once, and it's just not right. I think they need to find ways to speed up the process of some of the events, mainly the auction and the raffles. Good lord, that's excrutiating to sit through. And the woman who did the auctioneering...what was she thinking? Agh!
But I made out like a bandit all the same. Dave and I got some really nice glasses and plastic cups. I got a paper towel holder that looks like a kitty, two really awesome chess piece-looking statues (Dave says they'll be bongs, but I'm thinking bookends. I just need to find weights.) and something I really wanted, a framed double print of a couple of pictures from Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit. I'm going to hang it upstairs and hope that someday I have a child who will adore it as much as I do. I remember when my mother used to read Peter Rabbit to my sister and I. It's a special sort of memory to me. I'm in no rush for children though. They can wait till I grow up. My Aunt Ginny also very generously gave me two pictures that apparently belonged to my Aunt Beverly, who passed away not too long ago. That was so sweet of her. I'll send her a thank-you tomorrow.

I don't know where I'm going.


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