Thursday, July 21, 2005

Later on...

It's still fucking cold in here.

I made devilled eggs around midnight. Apparently, this is an act of spontanaeity, though I see it more as an act of love, boredom, and curiosity. Dave's grandparents gave him some eggs from a local farm. They've been sitting in the fridge doing nothing, so I decided to cook some of them up. Farm eggs don't peel like store eggs, don't ask me why. So, my eggs look a little special. I just hope they taste alright. It's a small bit of joy to know that I can cook better than some people, and at least decently enough to get an "mmm, please make that again."

My dread has subsided into a sort of numb feeling. I'm a bit tired and pretty cranky at the moment, so that's about all I'm feeling. It's better than dread, I'll give you that. It won't be the end of the world to have to move back in with my parents, but I'd just as soon be successful at this "move out of the house" thing. I'm going to try to make this work as long as I possibly can.

So far as Ken and his girlfriend go, it's a complicated mess, and I really shouldn't offer anything for it. But I do, all the same. I suppose I hold a bias against Alissa to begin with because...well what the fuck is so special about her anyway? He's been head over heels for her since Angie Lord didn't want to have anything to do with him in high school and I can't understand why.
She needs to get a job, rethink her perspective, take in a lesson about herself, and treat him with the respect and dignity he deserves as her partner (not as a man, as her partner). He needs to grow a backbone and tell her to wise up, and realize that he is not nothing without her. He's a strong, intelligent, fascinating guy (but I won't say it to his face, cause I don't want to give his ego a stroke unduly.) and he deserves a whole lot better than her. He deserves to realize that he could do just as well in life on his own, especially since she seems to have learned it while being with him. (Snazzy.)

I think it is the time of bed now. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm supposed to do a picnic at some point soon. God, part of me just really wants to go home and get my job at Burkettville back and not have to worry about shit. But I guess it doesn't work like that. Where's my good times? Here's to hoping they come Friday.


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